Sunday, September 23, 2012

My Workshop Today at the Enid Public Library

Today from 1PM to 2 I gave an introductory workshop on the basics of being an author and it went well and had a decent turn out! With a plan, I jumped into the topics of:
1.) 'Why do you want to write?' (Motives, goals, etc)
2.) 'How to get started.' (Prepping, outlines and more)
3.) 'Preparing to Write.' (Making time and setting priorities to do so)
4.) 'Finding a Publisher.' (The Do's and Don'ts)
5.) 'Doing it all again.' (Starting the whole process over again)
6.) General questions and answers.

Several authors were present and the reception was positive with renewed interest, inspiration and friends. This also brought a means to network with people who have similar interests and genres in writing which could lead to better things.

It went so well that I do plan on doing more of these talks, especially as more of my publications are released in time it will be more important to reach out to more people who want to write but just do not have the right kind of fire lit to encourage them. It takes many unexpected sources of inspiration to drive someone to sit down and produce a work, literary, film or whatever form of art. I think this workshop was helpful to some and I could see the interest and note taking.

I will add the photos from it once I have them on here on this very post sometime on Sunday!

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