Sunday, May 19, 2013

The Teutonic Furor is Coming Soon! (Codex Nordicarum et Germanorum)

The final 10,000 words on the Codex Germanorum is taking place this week, and gamers won't be disappointed! If my Celtic book has made an impression, I think this will be complement it and the Nordic Codex as well. Once this Codex is finalized and done and sent off to the Head Troll Lord to be readied, I will begin on the next in the series.

What culture I am not sure yet, either Slavic or Classical (Greek and Roman), but this will put the initial part of this series through a large part of ancient Europe and prepare everyone for some truly unique, and never written or published in gaming history, cultures (Native American, Mesopotamian/Egyptian, Meso-American, etc).

Each Codex has more monsters, character classes, magic and items exclusively taken from those cultures and translated into gaming terms using a minimalist system for rules. I am extremely proud and honored to be the author in these works and hope that the response by gamers everywhere is as positive as it is for my Celtic book as they come out. Don't worry, I will use the same system of writing, research and design as I had in my initial 20+ year project to keep the consistency and approach identical!

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