Thursday, October 13, 2016

Update on PhD and Codices.

Most bloggers say you should blog or post daily and keep this thing active all of the time, but really, if you have little to say that is worthwhile, then you only end up ranting or spewing ego driven words endlessly and I feel that if I need to post here, it should be important - and it has been a while! 

Since the last time, my thesis direction has diverted towards where my Masters from Prifysgol Cymru Llanbedr-Pont-Steffen was focused, and that is 'Arthur' or as many know him, as 'King Arthur', in 'Arthurian Studies' (Astudiaethau Arthuraidd). Under the Supervision of Dr. Tregidga and Vandrei at the University of Exeter (Penskol Keresk), I will write my Doctorate about the role Arthur has played to the Cornish Celtic people in their history simply put. In doing this, I have developed a unique angle that may also finally lay to rest the subject about him as well. That is a TALL order as generations of scholars have bickered over him endlessly either way to the point that he is not even mentioned in serious academic books any longer and ignored all together.. Only the 'fringe' element mention him at all now and are not taken seriously due to the misuse of his name. I have, in my thirty years of being interested in Arthur, finally saw through the many layers of scholarly debate and sources available to us, chopped away the clutter, and may have an answer to it all. I can't tell you about his personality, hair color, etc. but I can tell you about certain things I believe and put to rest centuries of debate FINALLY. The answers were right in front of us the entire time. 

The read them, you will need my PhD thesis however. I am excited to at last be able to have some breakthrough material on Arthur as there really haven't been any in decades. 

My three new Codices, the 'Codex Germania', 'Codex Slavorum' and 'Codex Classicum' will be completed with interior artwork very soon and in print for everyone. Perfected. They will be amazing as expected and overdue I know. On a similar note, I am hard at work on the 2nd Edition of the 'Codex Celtarum' and it is blows away the original, reinvents it in fact. I should have it completed in a month or so. Then I will begin on a special Arthurian Campaign adventure book called 'The Island of the Mighty' that will be for the Kickstarter with it when the time comes. The campaign will span from the 'Battle of Badon' to Arthur's last, the 'Battle of Camlan' and be epic, taking place in all three worlds, tying together all the 'F' Series adventure modules of mine as well. 

After this is written, I will begin on the 'Codex Aegypta' and 'Codex Mesopotamia' to complete the series in the Western Hemisphere. These will be the definable tomes, as the rest, on the subject, for gaming. Prepare for more character classes specific to the ethnicities, especially with the 2nd Edition of the Codex Celtarum.    

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